

Avery's first recital!

Isn't she so darling in her tutu? She did such a great job, I was so proud. I wasn't sure how she would do on stage with so many people watching, we loved every minute of it! If I can figure out how to put video on my log, I'll have to post the performance! We'll see when that happens....

Mary Elizabeth, Avery and Dara


Marc said...

So... has she decided whether she's going to be on drill team or be a cheerleader? Or both?

King Family said...

Awwww....She is so beautiful. I love recitals. Isabella just had one and they are so fun.

Marc said...

Your blog fans are getting anxious...

Amy Morris said...

ok so we have had 3 sets of company for 3 weeks, so i will get with it. Is the only way to put a video on your blog through youtube?

lramey said...

So, I just discovered you blog through Angie's!! I didn't know ya'll knew each other! This is Lisa Ramey by the way. Your kids are BEAUTIFUL!!!!! I loved looking..i will keep looking! Call us when you're in town!

Marc said...

You have to upload the video online somewhere that will provide you the ability to embed it. Doesn't have to be Youtube. Google video among other sites would let you do it. You wary of Youtube? You can limit who can access your videos through Youtube in case you're wondering. There are a number of different privacy settings. It's pretty self-explanatory if you create a Youtube account. Let me know if you have any questions.

Amy Morris said...

my video is in processing mode in google video, once it gets uploaded I will share it, thanks Marc! : )