
I've been tagged!

So here It goes.....

4 jobs I've had

1. Life Guard

2. Gap Employee

3. UVSC Info Booth

4. Orthodontist Assistant

4 Movies I Can Watch Over and Over Again . . .

1. Amelie

2. Narnia (Avery's favorite)

3. The Sandlot

4. Old Family Home Videos ( I can never get enough of them)

4 favorite TV Shows . . .

1. The Office

2. Brothers and Sisters

3. Grey's Anatomy


4 Favorite Hobbies . . .

1. running (I promise it's addicting once you start)

2. photography ( I'm not that great, but I try)

3. watching foreign and/or independent films (when I have time)

4. reading

4 Places I Have Lived . . .

1. Concord, California

2. Orem, Utah

3. Celebration, Florida

4. Orlando, Florida

Places I Have Been on Holiday . . .

1. Switzerland (with my Dad to climb the Matterhorn)

2. Kauai, Hawaii (if you love to hike and be outdoors this is the best place ever)

3. Whistler, Canada (another great outdoor place to be)

4. In a sail boat in the middle of the ocean on a scuba diving trip (horrible living conditions but I would do it again in a heartbeat because the dives were amazing)

Favorite Dishes / Foods . . .

1. Chicken Quesadillas ( I'm surprised my kids will still eat them because we have them so often)

2. Yellow Curry or Pad Thai

3. Bang Bang Chicken and Shrimp (cheesecake Factory)

4. Peanut butter M&Ms

4 Websites I Visit Daily . . .

1. Blogs... yes, I am a blog stalker

2. TravelZoo ( I am a discount travel person)

3. Google

4. Parentcenter

4 Places I Would Rather Be Right Now . . .

1. Reading the 7th Harry Potter book (sorry guys, I haven't given the vampire books a chance just yet)

2. Kauai, with the fam (the only vacation spot I have ever been where I don't want to come home)

3. At the Enzian Theater on a date with Kev ( a foreign and Independent film theater)

4. home (I've been in Utah for over 3 weeks and I would love just to be able to hang out with Kev, and sleeping in my own bed sounds really nice)

Now Here Are 4 People That I Am Tagging . . .

1. Tori Osorio

2. Cassie Cassperson

3. Heather Morris

4. Sommer Dastrup


Lisa and Mike Marion said...

Amy, it was great running into in Utah a week or two ago. Darling family and great blog. Look forward to keeping in touch!- Lisa

Amy Morris said...

Hey Lisa- I don't remember if you told me what your blog was named or not but I would love to see it and it isn't linked to your comment. You can post it or email it to me at amyjomorris@gmail.com I would love to keep in touch! Amy

Holly said...

I'm going to have to trust you on running being addicting. Maybe I need to give it another shot!

King Family said...

Running is addicting. I just started going out everyday a few weeks ago and I can't get enough. It is wierd because I have tried before and hated every minute...I think my ipod makes it fun.

Sommer said...

Amy, I am so glad you got me into this blogging thing. It is so addicting! It has been so fun having you in town. I will be sad when you leave.

Meadows Family said...

So I hope you are having a great time in Utah...I tried to call you today, but I know Kevin was getting there tonight. I totally bought that same monkey bars/gym, that you have at your house, at Target tonight...75% off! I couldn't believe it. Anyway, we totally miss you so give us a call when you are home and relaxed.

Natalie said...

Amy, I totally ran into your blog, I love it! Your Avery is a Mini you, so cute! Good lookin kids! Tell Kevin hi, it's been a while sense I have seen you guys. Hope all is well.

Natalie Bye Tingey

Holly said...

I just pics from your sister's wedding at rebkahwestover.blogspot.com. She looked gorgeous!

Holly said...

Sorry, it is rebekahwestover.blogspot.com

Amy Morris said...

thanks holly! I just got back form Utah and had no idea that Rebekah had posted them- Thanks for the tip!

Marc said...

Amelie?!!! You finally broke down and watched an R-rated movie?!!!! Wow. I could sure never persuade you :P

Amy Morris said...

Marc- Lets just say that I think Im glad I finally woke up a little. There are some great movies out there that are R rated that have taght me a lot. It sounds odd but I feel like I am a better person now from watching some movies that might not have approved ratings.